SAN DIEGO (March 20, 2017) – In celebration of International Day of Happiness, online floral gifting brand ProFlowers® (NASDAQ: FTD) surprised unsuspecting New Yorkers with the gift of 10,000 fresh flowers. Armed with a truckload of lively, colorful roses, ProFlowers took to the streets of the Big Apple on Monday, March 20 to #GiveHappy and create joy throughout the City.
Since 2013, International Day of Happiness – also known as Happiness Day – is celebrated annually on March 20. ProFlowers joined the worldwide festivities by reminding New Yorkers that a small act of kindness, such as the gift of flowers, can make smiles bloom for almost anyone.
Previous research has revealed a link between flowers and a person's happiness. The data shows that fresh flowers make people feel joyful. Fresh flowers not only make their recipient happy, but they also create lasting happiness in the giver too. ProFlowers set out to demonstrate this.
The online flower company illustrated a fast and easy way to inspire and delight others on Happiness Day through the gifting of flowers. ProFlowers’ happiness team visited various iconic locations throughout the City and shared flowers, smiles and kindness. To see how the public reacted to the ProFlowers Happiness Day #GiveHappy initiative, visit www.proflowers.com/blog.
“At ProFlowers, we’re in the flower gifting business – but more importantly, we’re in the business of making people happy. It’s what we do, day in and day out,” said ProFlowers General Manager, Senior Vice President Laura Szeliga. “We selected the gift of multi-colored roses because they are lively and exciting – the perfect symbol to celebrate Happiness Day. What better way to create happiness than with beautiful, fresh and colorful flowers!”
With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, ProFlowers is encouraging everyone to stop and smell the roses on Happiness Day. Join the global cause of creating a happier world and share joy by tagging @ProFlowers with the #GiveHappy hashtag this International Day of Happiness.
About FTD Companies, Inc.
FTD Companies, Inc. is a premier floral and gifting company. Through our diversified family of brands, we provide floral, specialty foods, gifts and related products to consumers primarily in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. We also provide floral products and services to retail florists and other retail locations throughout these same geographies. FTD has been delivering flowers since 1910 and the highly-recognized FTD® and Interflora® brands are supported by the iconic Mercury Man logo®, which is displayed in nearly 40,000 floral shops in approximately 150 countries. In addition to FTD and Interflora, our diversified portfolio of brands includes the following trademarks: ProFlowers®, ProPlants®, Shari's Berries®, Personal Creations®, RedEnvelope®, Cherry Moon Farms®, Flying Flowers®, Flowers Direct™, Sesame®, Ink Cards™, Postagram™ and Gifts.com™. FTD Companies, Inc. is headquartered in Downers Grove, Ill. For more information, please visit www.ftdcompanies.com.
New York, March 20, 2017
- New York City skyline with title that says “One cold day in New York City”
- Truck parking on street with title that says “In honor of International Day of Happiness”
- Back of truck with roses surrounding the truck
- Side of the truck with man in blue jacket walking by
- Close-up of the back of the truck with buildings in the backdrop with title: “A team of happiness profressionals”
- Back of truck with ramp and flowers surrounding it
- Back of truck door opens with ProFlowers team with title “Armed with a truckload of”
- Beauty shot of thousands of roses with title “10,000 roses”
- ProFlowers team coming down the ramp of back of truck holding flowers
- ProFlowers team unloading flowers off the back of the truck
- Flowers in the corner with New York buildings in the backdrop with title “took to the streets to #GiveHappy” and smile animation made of flowers
- Back of the truck with ProFlowers team member arranging flowers
- Overhead roses
- Push into pink rose
- Pan across roses
- From behind, ProFlowers team walking down street of NYC with flowers
- From the front, ProFlowers team walking down street of NYC with flowers
- Close up from the front, ProFlowers team walking down street of NYC with flowers
- From behind, again, ProFlowers team walking down street of NYC with flowers
- From the front, ProFlowers team member walking down street of NYC holding flowers and card
- Female ProFlowers team member hands rose to two females on the street
- Male ProFlowers team member hands rose person
- Man reaches out of truck
- ProFlowers team member throws flower to man in truck
- Man catches flower in truck and kisses rose
- Man holding rose and phone pointing at the truck
- From the front, ProFlowers team walking down street of NYC with flowers
- ProFlowers team giving flower to NYC construction worker on street
- NYC security guard receiving rose
- Female ProFlowers team member holding flowers and waving
- Female ProFlowers team member handing out flower and card to person
- Male ProFlowers team member giving flowers to two females on street
- Female flower recipient holding yellow rose and smiling
- ProFlowers team member giving a white and red rose to male on sidewalk
- Female ProFlowers team member giving yellow rose to male
- Male on street holding rose and speaking:
- SOUNDBITE (English): “International Happiness Day. Be happy.”
- Times Square
- Female ProFlowers team member pulls out rose from a bouquet
- Female ProFlowers team member pulls out rose from a bouquet from male ProFlowers team member’s arms
- Close up of male ProFlowers team member holding two large bouquets of flowers
- Female holding a white rose and smiling
- Female holding a red rose and card waving, motioning and smiling
- Time lapse: ProFlowers team members handing out flowers on the streets of Times Square
- Close-up of ProFlowers team members smiling as she hands out a rose
- Arm of ProFlowers team member handing red rose to woman walking by on the street
- ProFlowers team member handing a variety of roses, chooses one and hands to passer-by on the street
- Child receiving rose and waving rose with mom
- Female passer-by holding roses with male counterpart walking next to her
- Blonde female passer-by smiling at camera with red rose
- Female passer-by wearing yellow hat and smiling
- Hand giving a fuchsia rose, hand receiving rose
- Male ProFlowers team member hands yellow rose to female passer-by
- Female ProFlowers team member hands pink and orange rose with card to male passer-by
- Female ProFlowers team member handing red rose and card to female passer-by who receives rose and card, twirls and kisses at the camera
- Female ProFlowers team members holding a bucket of flowers and pulling a red rose from the bucket
- Wide shot of truck and two female ProFlowers team members handing out a rose
- Back of truck, ProFlowers female team member passing red rose to blonde female passer-by
- Male passer-by receiving orange rose and smelling it
- From the front, ProFlowers team walking down street of NYC with flowers with title that says “ProFlowers is proud to join the International Day of Happiness movement”
- Close-up of roses with title “Because flowers make people feel …”
- Close-up of Female passer-by with nose hoop ring holding multiple roses speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “Makes you feel great. Makes you feel beautiful.”
- Close-up of Female passer-by with sunglasses on top of her head holding red rose speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “Super happy and important”
- Close-up of Female passer-by wearing sunglasses with braces speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “It makes you feel like there’s something good in the world.”
- Close-up of Elderly male passer-by holding a white rose (with female) speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “Everybody loves flowers. They bring people together.”
- Close-up of female passer-by with short hair wearing orange jacket holding pink rose speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “Flowers make me feel happy”
- Close-up of mid- to older aged blonde female passer-by speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “Gorgeous. It’s a beautiful day for a flower!”
- Close-up of young female passer-by with blonde hair speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “They make me feel beautiful.”
- Close-up of female passer-by wearing sunglasses and pink hat holding pink rose speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “I’ve never seen roses in the city like this before.”
- Close-up of brunette female passer-by with braces
- SOUNDBITE (English): “It makes me smile, which is really nice.”
- Close-up of male passer-by with goatee and black beanie speaking
- SOUNDBITE (English): “It shows somebody cares.”
- Close up of female ProFlowers team member blowing rose petals out of her hand
- Medium frontal shot of female ProFlowers team member blowing rose petals out of her hand
- Remaining title cards
- Stop and smell the roses on Happiness Day
- Tag @ProFlowers with #GiveHappy