Program Will Deliver Much-Needed Protein to Food Banks Nationwide; Donation Tour Kickoff Event in Los Angeles with Chef Ingrid Hoffmann
Smithfield, Va. – March 23, 2016 – Smithfield is excited to announce its 2016 nationwide hunger- relief tour as part of the company’s Helping Hungry Homes program. This tour will include more than 30 large-scale protein donations to food banks across the United States totaling more than 3.4 million servings. Through this tour, Smithfield hopes to provide wholesome food to millions of Americans struggling with hunger every day.
“To say that someone is ‘food insecure’ means that person does not know where his or her next meal is coming from. As a food company, it is our responsibility to help our neighbors in need. We founded the Smithfield Helping Hungry Homes program in 2008, and have since donated more than 37 million servings of protein,” said Dennis Pittman, Smithfield Senior Director of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. “This year, we’re going coast-to-coast with more than 30 stops in between to continue supporting the fight against hunger, and make people aware that food insecurity is a significant problem nationwide. We salute the food banks across the country, and encourage individuals and corporations alike to get involved and support your local communities.”
Throughout this year’s Helping Hungry Homes tour, Smithfield will partner with local food banks and retailers, as well as national and local celebrities, to deliver these donations. Today, Smithfield kicked off the tour in Los Angeles alongside celebrity chef Ingrid Hoffmann by providing 50,000 pounds of protein to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. This donation will provide more than 200,000 servings to families and individuals in the surrounding areas.
“Donations like this provide significant support to our mission to fight hunger in our community” said Michael Flood, CEO of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. “We’re grateful for partners like Smithfield whose contributions greatly help those who struggle with hunger.”
More than 35 million Americans suffer from food insecurity. Smithfield has a long history of stocking food banks, supporting after-school nutrition programs, and providing food relief in the wake of natural disasters. In 2008, Smithfield established its Helping Hungry Homes initiative to support the fight against hunger across the country, and has since donated more than 37 million servings of protein to food banks across America.
About Smithfield
A leading provider of high-quality pork products, Smithfield was founded in 1936 in Smithfield, Virginia, establishing the town as the “Ham Capital of the World.” From hand-trimmed bacon and slow-smoked holiday hams to marinated tenderloins, Smithfield brings artistry, authenticity and a commitment to heritage, flavor, and handcrafted excellence to everything it produces. With a vast product portfolio including smoked meats, hams, bacon, sausage, ribs, and a wide variety of fresh pork cuts, the company services retail, foodservice, and deli channels across the United States and 30 countries abroad. All of Smithfield's products meet the highest quality and safety standards in the industry. To learn more about how Flavor Hails from Smithfield, please visit www.Smithfield.com, www.Twitter.com/SmithfieldBrand, and www.Facebook.com/CookingWithSmithfield. Smithfield is a brand of Smithfield Foods.
About Smithfield Foods
Smithfield Foods is a $15 billion global food company and the world's largest pork processor and hog producer. In the United States, the company is also the leader in numerous packaged meats categories with popular brands including Smithfield®, Eckrich®, Farmland®, Armour®, Cook's®, John Morrell®, Gwaltney®, Nathan's Famous®, Kretschmar®, Margherita®, Curly's®, Carando® and Healthy Ones®. Smithfield Foods is committed to providing good food in a responsible way and maintains robust animal care, community involvement, employee safety, environmental and food safety and quality programs. For more information, visit www.smithfieldfoods.com.
El programa donaraÌ proteiÌna a los bancos de alimentos de todo el paiÌs;
La gira de donaciones comenzaraÌ en Los AÌngeles con la Chef Ingrid Hoffmann
Smithfield, Va. – 23 de marzo de 2016 – Smithfield tiene el placer de anunciar su iniciativa nacional para luchar contra el hambre este año a traveÌs de su programa “Helping Hungry Homes”. Esta gira incluiraÌ maÌs de 30 donaciones de proteiÌna a los bancos de alimentos en todo Estados Unidos, lo cual equivale a un total de maÌs de 3.4 millones de porciones. Gracias a este programa, Smithfield espera proporcionar alimentos saludables a millones de estadounidenses que sufren hambre todos los diÌas.
"Decir que alguien tiene inseguridad alimenticia significa que esa persona no sabe coÌmo o de doÌnde va a obtener su proÌxima comida. Como compañiÌa de alimentos, es nuestra responsabilidad ayudar a las personas necesitadas. Fundamos el programa “Helping Hungry Homes” en el 2008, y desde ese momento, hemos donado maÌs de 37 millones de porciones de proteiÌna," dijo Dennis Pittman, Director Senior de Comunicaciones Corporativas y Relaciones PuÌblicas de Smithfield. "Este año, vamos a ir de costa a costa y hacer maÌs de 30 paradas para continuar apoyando la lucha contra el hambre y ayudar a crear conciencia de que la inseguridad alimenticia es un problema significativo en todo el paiÌs. Felicitamos a los bancos de alimentos en todo el paiÌs y alentamos a las personas y empresas para que participen y apoyen a sus comunidades locales."
A traveÌs del programa “Helping Hungry Homes”, Smithfield estaraÌ trabajando junto con los bancos de alimentos, tiendas minoristas locales y celebridades, para entregar estas donaciones durante todo el año. Smithfield inicioÌ hoy el programa en Los AÌngeles junto con la reconocida chef Ingrid Hoffmann, donando 50,000 libras de proteiÌna al banco de alimentos regional de Los AÌngeles. Una de cada seis personas en el condado de Los AÌngeles batalla contra el hambre y al menos dos tercios de ellos son Hispanos. Con esta donacioÌn, que equivale a maÌs de 200,000 porciones de proteiÌna, Smithfield estaraÌ ayudando a familias e individuos en el aÌrea.
"Donaciones como esta proporcionan un apoyo significativo y ayudan con nuestra misioÌn de luchar contra el hambre en la comunidad” dijo Michael Flood, CEO del Banco de Alimentos Regional de Los AÌngeles. "Estamos agradecidos por tener socios como Smithfield cuyas contribuciones ayudan en gran medida a quienes sufren de hambre."
MaÌs de 35 millones de estadounidenses sufren inseguridad alimenticia. Smithfield tiene una gran trayectoria en abastecer a bancos de alimentos, apoyar programas de nutricioÌn despueÌs de la escuela y proveer ayuda alimenticia durante desastres naturales. En el 2008, Smithfield establecioÌ su iniciativa “Helping Hungry Homes” para apoyar la lucha contra el hambre en todo el paiÌs. Desde entonces, ha donado maÌs de 37 millones de porciones de proteiÌna a los bancos de alimentos en todo EE.UU.
Acerca de Smithfield Foods
Smithfield Foods es una compañiÌa de alimentos global valorada en $15 mil millones y es el procesador y productor de cerdo maÌs grande del mundo. En Estados Unidos, la compañiÌa es tambieÌn liÌder en varias categoriÌas de carnes empacadas con marcas populares incluyendo Smithfield®, Eckrich®, Farmland®, Armour®, Cook's®, John Morrell®, Gwaltney®, Nathan’s Famous®, Kretschmar®, Margherita®, Curly's®, Carando® y Healthy Ones®. Smithfield Foods estaÌ comprometida en abastecer buenos alimentos de una manera responsable y mantiene una soÌlida poliÌtica de cuidado de los animales, participacioÌn comunitaria, seguridad de los empleados, seguridad ambiental y programas de calidad y seguridad de los alimentos. Para maÌs informacioÌn, visite www.smithfieldfoods.com.
Acerca Regional Food Bank de Los AÌngeles
Durante 43 años, el Regional Food Bank de Los AÌngeles ha trabajado para movilizar recursos en la comunidad con el fin de aliviar el hambre. Con el objetivo de que nadie tenga hambre en el condado de Los AÌngeles, el Regional Food Bank ha distribuido maÌs mil millones de libras de alimentos desde su creacioÌn. Abastece alimentos a maÌs de 320,000 personas en cada mes y en 2015 distribuyoÌ 62 millones de libras de alimentos. El Regional Food Bank recolecta alimentos a traveÌs de cientos de recursos, los cuales, con la ayuda de 27,000 voluntarios cada año, distribuye a traveÌs de una red de maÌs de 600 agencias socias en maÌs de 1,000 lugares de distribucioÌn. AdemaÌs, 97% de todos los aportes se destinan directamente a programas. Nuestra eficacia y efectividad hicieron posible una calificacioÌn de 4 estrellas de parte de Charity Navigator y el diario LA Business nombroÌ al Food Bank como la "organizacioÌn sin fines de lucro del año" entre otras grandes organizaciones locales en el 2013. Para obtener maÌs informacioÌn o participar, visita: www.lafoodbank.org.
Ingrid Hoffmann Partners with Smithfield to Donate 50,000 Pounds to Food Bank
Edited Story (TRT - 1:26)
Los Angeles, 23 March 2016
1. Pan from Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Sign to Incoming Truck Delivery
2. Closeup of incoming truck delivery
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Ingrid Hoffmann, Celebrity Chef
“We’ve got a truck loaded with 50,000 pounds, I need people to help me unload it! How about that you guys you want to come?”
6. Truck door is rolled up and donation is revealed
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Ingrid Hoffmann, Celebrity Chef
“Today we are at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and we have a wonderful initiative with Smithfield brand called HELPING HUNGRY HOMES. Guess what we’re doing? We are donating 50,000 pounds of protein! …which is one of the hardest things for food banks to get.”
8. Forklifts unloading the rest of the donated products, zoom in
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Flood, President & CEO, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
“We really don’t receive a lot of meat donations, we do have meat come in, but something of this magnitude— two truck loads of protein product coming in is huge for us.”
10. Donation hand-to-hand line, Medium Shot
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Pittman, Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Smithfield
“According to Feeding America, 1 in 7 people in this country don’t really know where their next meal is coming from and by doing programs like Helping Hungry Homes we can help alleviate that situation.”
12. Donation hand-to-hand line, low POV
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Celebrity Chef Ingrid Hoffmann
“We’re right on the eve, almost, of Easter Sunday and so many families go without a great meal so this donation is really significant — it really does make a difference. This is a special day.”
14. Helping Hungry Homes Sticker placed on U.S. Map
Ingrid Hoffmann Partners with Smithfield to Donate 50,000 Pounds to Food Bank
B-Roll and Soundbites (English, TRT - 4:00)
Los Angeles, 23 March 2016
1. Pan from Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Sign to Incoming Truck Delivery
2. Closeup of incoming truck delivery
3. Dennis Pittman, Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Smithfield
Press Conference Remarks: “We’re here to maybe make a brighter better day for some folks in the Los Angeles area”
4. Michael Flood, President & CEO, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
Press Conference Remarks: “So this is a really a very important and critical donation that comes in at this time”
5. Ingrid Hoffmann, Celebrity Chef
Press Conference Remarks: “I am so honored and so proud to be here today and I could not be prouder than to be working with a company like Smithfield// We’ve got a truck loaded with 50,000 pounds, I need people to help me unload it! How about that you guys you want to come? Thank you guys”.
6. Truck door is rolled up and donation is revealed
7. Donation hand-to-hand line medium
8. Donation hand-to-hand line wide view
9. Donation hand-to-hand line, low POV
10. Volunteers in hand-to-hand line
11. Helping Hungry Homes Sticker placed on U.S. Map
12. Forklifts unloading the rest of the donated products, spin
13. Forklifts unloading the rest of the donated products, zoom in
14. Signage & Product Shot
15. Wide view of branded press conference area
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Celebrity Chef Ingrid Hoffmann
“Today we are at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and we have a wonderful initiative with Smithfield brand called HELPING HUNGRY HOMES. Guess what we’re doing? We are donating 50,000 pounds of protein! ..to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. This by the way serves 200,000 servings of protein which is one of the hardest things for food banks to get so we’re super excited. This is a special day.”
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Celebrity Chef Ingrid Hoffmann
“We’re right on the eve, almost, of Easter Sunday. So many families go without a great meal and without protein which is [one of] the hardest things for food banks to get so this donation of 50,000 pounds of protein by Smithfield is really significant — it really does make a difference.”
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Celebrity Chef Ingrid Hoffmann
“We’re going to go from to coast-to-coast, and all-around and if you do the math this one donation alone 50,000 pounds imagine what will be donated at the end of 30 stops throughout the country. It’s really significant, it’s a wonderful initiative.
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Pittman, Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Smithfield
“Well we wanted to kick off this year’s donations here in Los Angeles. We had Chef Hoffmann here with us today. This gives us a chance to also talk about this year’s program where we’re going to visit over 30 cities across the country spreading the word about food insecurity and at the same time feeding people.”
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Pittman, Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Smithfield
“We’re able to raise awareness, we’re able to get people to volunteer to come work in a food bank and certainly encourage other companies to step up and make donations as well.”
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Pittman, Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Smithfield
“According to Feeding America, 1 in 7 people in this country don’t really know where their next meal is coming from and by doing programs like Helping Hungry Homes we can help alleviate that situation.”
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Flood, President & CEO, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
“We really don’t receive a lot of meat donations, we do have meat come in, but something of this magnitude—50,000 pounds, two truck loads of protein product coming in is huge for us.”
Spanish Soundbites from Ingrid Hoffmann and Ana Martinez, Volunteer Director for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Available Via Download Here: http://video.invisionagency.com/lafoodbank
Additional Assets for Download: http://video.invisionagency.com/lafoodbank
1. Full B-Roll Package (English)
2. Spanish Soundbites from Ingrid Hoffmann
3. Spanish Soundbites from Ana Martinez, Volunteer Director for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank